Explore humanity's ambitious quest to create advanced AI. The darkly humorous narrative reveals the unexpected and catastrophic consequences of the alignment problem. Format: One-shot, 4 min read.
The art is this was beautiful. I would absolutely buy prints of it and hang them in my house.
However, I found the writing difficult to follow. And that’s from someone who understands this concept quite well. I think the “explains complex concept” skill, might need a level up.
When everything turned dark, my heart sank. That was a super impactful moment in the comic. Absolutely subscribing to your Substack. Can’t wait for more!
The "I want the sugar, motherfucker! GTFO!" part has the makings of a meme template.
The art is this was beautiful. I would absolutely buy prints of it and hang them in my house.
However, I found the writing difficult to follow. And that’s from someone who understands this concept quite well. I think the “explains complex concept” skill, might need a level up.
When everything turned dark, my heart sank. That was a super impactful moment in the comic. Absolutely subscribing to your Substack. Can’t wait for more!